Current Yellow Volumes
VDA 6.8 Supply Chain Process Audit
VDA 5.3 Capability of Optical Sensors and Image Processing
  • A status of the current project groups can be found here:
VDA recommendations as results of project group work in the QMC

As with other standards bodies such as DIN and ISO, the VDA QMC also gives interested parties and stakeholders from industry the opportunity to participate in the recommendations and QM standards that are developed in the project groups.

The results of a VDA QMC project group are initially published in electronic form as a “yellow volume”, which can be commented on using a form during a three-month “yellow volume phase”.

Each submitted feedback is collectively reviewed and discussed by the project group and either accepted or, in justified cases, rejected. The content of the yellow volume is adapted accordingly and, after final approval by the Quality Management Committee (QMA) published as a red volume or blue-gold volume in the VDA QMC Webshop.

All those who have submitted feedback will receive a response from the project group after completion of the yellow volume phase and incorporation of the changes, with a statement on the comments made.

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