VDA-conformal car washes
VDA-conformal car washes

The guideline “Car washes – criteria for car-washes conforming to VDA specifications” was developed by a working group that was formed in January 2007 due to a coherent set of interests.

The starting points were:

  • Leaks at vehicles caused by water pressures and water volumes that modern vehicles are not designed for
  • Increasing use of decorative and functional parts, made of materials which can be visually or functionally impaired by usual washing chemicals.

The guideline contains parameters for existing and future car washes as well as for the washing chemicals used in the car washes in order to prevent the above-mentioned risks in the future and to enable a better adaptation to future passenger cars to be developed. The manufacturers of passenger cars get information about potentially critical vehicle geometries in car washes.

The cleaning result is referred to in the above Guideline not discussed in more detail, it is central and exclusively about the prevention of damages.

Car washes (roll-over vehicle washing system, car washes, self-service car washes) that comply with the VDA specifications in terms of chemistry and technical requirements can apply for a VDA seal. The VDA seal indicates that the car wash, which has received this award, is operated in accordance with the specifications of the automotive industry.

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Where can I find a VDA-conformal car wash?
01099DresdenFischhausstrasse 15""zu Google Maps""
01129DresdenRadeburger Str./Hellerhof""zu Google Maps""
01139DresdenWerftstrasse 13""zu Google Maps""
01139DresdenKoetschenbroderstr. 188""zu Google Maps""
01157DresdenHamburger Strasse 88 c""zu Google Maps""
01217DresdenBergstr. 121 / Ecke Suedhoe""zu Google Maps""
01099DresdenFischhausstrasse 15""zu Google Maps""
01129DresdenRadeburger Str./Hellerhof""zu Google Maps""
Technical questions about VDA-conformal car washes

For technical questions about VDA-conformal car washes or

the rules and regulations issued by the VDA QMC please contact:

E-Mail: carwash@vda-qmc.de


Seek Webshop info@vda-qmc.de