Automotive SPICE® Certification
Personnel Certification

The VDA QMC with its Automotive SPICE® Certification Office is the sole personnel certification body for Automotive SPICE®. This includes the organisation, execution and evaluation of the assessor examinations and the handling of the entire subsequent certification process.
The VDA QMC carries out the certification of assessors in accordance with the International Assessor Certification Scheme e.V. (intacs®) and coordinates the further development and application of the certificate.

The regulations are significantly influenced by the relevant VDA QMC committees and guarantee a high quality of assessor training. The Automotive SPICE® Assessor certification according to the intacs scheme is recognised worldwide in the automotive industry.


The training levels for assessors

The assessor certification scheme combines training and experience. For the higher assessor levels (competent, principal and instructor) – the so-called lead assessors – the experience certificates have to be renewed continuously. Proof of certification is provided by an assessor licence valid for three years with a unique number, which must be renewed after expiry in order to maintain certification.

Training steps and certificate of experience for assessors
Automotive SPICE® assessors have to show proof of an appropriate training. Depending on the training level, different certificate (EE – Experience Evidence) is required. The certification scheme is essentially based on the number of assessments performed. However, active or passive participation in events (conferences, workshops, trainings, etc.) or membership in corresponding committees also contributes to obtaining a qualification level.

The current documents and rules for the certification of assessors according to intacs™ are available at In order to use these documents, registration is required. The current documents available at any given time are authoritative and must be used.


The certification as Automotive SPICE® Assessor is based on the specifications of intacs e.V. The corresponding rules are available for download at

The first step in certification is always to become a provisional assessor. This requires training by one of the intacs registered training providers and passing the associated examination by the VDA QMC Automotive SPICE® Certification Office. Furthermore, at least 24 months of professional experience in the field of software-based systems development in the automotive sector must be proven.

Further information and especially the requirements for higher assessor levels are available at

Since the examination is usually preceded by a training course, registration for the examination is usually done via the training provider. The training provider usually also invoices the examination fees.
We also offer public exams in the middle of each month. These are generally taken by candidates repeating examinations. Please contact the Automotive SPICE® Certification Office if you want to take such an exam.

You can send your application to

You will receive the following:

  • Your personal licence number.
  • A licence card for presentation at assessments with a validity of 3 years.
  • You will also receive a printed DIN A4 certificate for each training level achieved.

Within the certification process there are costs for the examination (Examination Fee) and for the granting of a licence (Certification Fee). Please refer to the current fee schedule for the prices.

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