From VDA 6.3:2016 to VDA 6.3:2023 – Upgrade (ID 384 WBT)

This upgrade training covers the alterations to VDA 6.3 (2016 edition) including updates to the questionnaire, changes to the evaluation, changes to the potential analysis and other adjustments.

  • Revision of the questionnaire
  • Consideration of software aspects in the questionnaire – Interface between hardware and software for products with integrated (embedded) software
  • Requirements for purchasing activities in P3 and P4
  • Notes on conducting remote audits
  • Reassignment of “*-questions”
  • Changes in the potential analysis
  • Content harmonization with Automotive SPICE and maturity level assurance for new parts (VDA MLA)

VDA 6.3 (2016) Process Auditors

In an interactive way, you will learn the main changes of the VDA volume 6.3:2023 and apply the knowledge you gain directly on several practical tasks.

The web-based training is supplemented by a detailed handout in which you will find detailed comparison of both volumes VDA 6.3:2016 and 6.3:2023.

Qualification as process auditor VDA 6.3 (2016)

After passing the knowledge test (Single-Choice-Test), you will receive a certificate of qualification.

The volume VDA 6.3:2023 can be purchased in the VDA QMC Webshop.

Sign up
Duration: about 2 hours
Investment: 350,00 EUR excl. VAT
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