IATF - International Automotive Task Force
> 93,000

IATF 16949 Certificates

> 3,300

IATF 3rd party Auditors


IATF Certification Bodies

The International Automotive Task Force (IATF)

The IATF (International Automotive Task Force) is an international “ad hoc” group consisting of National Automotive Industry Associations and globally operating automotive manufacturers. The member organizations represent the interests of the automotive industry with the objective of  developing and continuously improving a common Quality Management System Standard and the associated certification scheme.

The first objective behind the foundation of IATF was the harmonization of the quality management systems requirements introduced at national levels of the automotive industry.

The harmonization was achieved in the year 1999 with the publication of ISO/TS 16949 (first edition). This standard, i.e. this technical specification led to a global harmonization of the different evaluation and certification systems in the supply chain of the automotive industry.


The currently valid Quality Management System Standard of the IATF was published in 2016. This standard is known as “IATF 16949”.

The requirements for auditing and certification in accordance with the IATF 16949 standard are published as the “IATF Rules”. In accordance with the currently valid 5th Edition, all the IATF 16949 certifications are performed globally under common requirements.

You can also find further information about the IATF on IATF’s website.

We recommend registering yourself on this central IATF website to be informed about new information and publications of the IATF from time to time.



More information about the IATF

The members of the International Automotive Task Force (IATF)

16 member companies are part of the IATF (Automotive Industry Associations and OEMs)

The IATF Oversight Offices

The IATF created five international IATF Oversight Offices, referred to as IATF Global Oversight, which were established for the management and control of operative tasks of the IATF

Certification Bodies recognized by IATF

A global network of certification bodies recognized by the IATF offers a certification in accordance with IATF 16949

FAQs and Sanctioned Interpretations of the IATF

Here you will find the so-called SIs (“Sanctioned Interpretations”) and FAQs (“Frequently Asked Questions”) for the IATF 16949 Standard and the IATF Rules

IATF Stakeholder Communiqués

The IATF Stakeholder Communiqués serve as the official communication channel of important information to all the stakeholders

IATF CB Communiqués

The IATF publishes important information at irregular intervals primarily to the IATF-recognized Certification Bodies by means of so-called CB Communiqués

Publications of the IATF OEMs

The IATF OEMs publish new information such as new customer-specific requirements for all stakeholders at irregular intervals

General questions and answers on the IATF Certification Scheme

Here you will find a list of general questions with corresponding answers about the IATF and the certification scheme

Terms and abbreviations of the IATF

Specific abbreviations and terms that are frequently used in the context of the IATF - their explanations and further information can be found here

IATF Performance Complaint

You have the option to submit a performance related complaint about a certified IATF 16949 supplier with the help of a standardised online form

Statistics and Data on the IATF Certification Scheme

Here you will find the statistics and data on the global certification scheme of the IATF, for example, information on the valid IATF 16949 certificates and the nonconformities issued

The Team at the IATF Oversight Office VDA QMC

It is our objective to build trust. Our mission is the continuous improvement.

Certified suppliers in the automotive supply chain and customers of these certified companies can be confident that the IATF Certification Bodies of the VDA QMC perform the audits and issue the respective certificates objectively and impartially.

Ensuring and maintaining the highest professional level of the IATF-recognized Certification Bodies is one of the core tasks of the IATF Oversight Office at the VDA QMC.

The IATF Oversight Office team at the VDA QMC ensures reliable, trustworthy results in the context of certification in accordance with IATF 16949 with the global monitoring of 10 internationally operating IATF-recognized certification bodies.

Do you have questions about IATF, the IATF 16949 standard, or are you interested in certification in accordance with IATF 16949? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us.

VDA QMC Specialist Department
Norbert Haß

• Head of Specialist Department at VDA QMC
• Deputy Head of VDA QMC
• Head of the Oversight Office for VDA 6.X certifications
• VDA 6.X technical questions

VDA QMC Specialist Department
André Elster

• Programme Manger IATF Office Assessments and Witness Audits
• Project Management IATF AMP system
• Expert for IATF technical questions

andre.elster@vda-qmc.de +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 242
VDA QMC Specialist Department
Anica Liedtke

• IATF Office Assessment and Witness Audit Programme Management
• Expert for IATF technical questions
• IATF project manager

anica.liedtke@vda-qmc.de +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 246
VDA QMC Specialist Department
Ansgar Dorfner

• Project Manager IATF CARA (Common Audit Report Application)
• Special Waiver Programm for IATF Certification Bodies
• Expert for IATF and VDA technical questions

ansgar.dorfner@vda-qmc.de +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 245
VDA QMC Specialist Department
Nikolai Specht

• Project Manager IATF Global Database
• Expert for IATF technical questions

nikolai.specht@vda-qmc.de +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 243
The IATF 16949 Witness Auditors of the VDA QMC

The IATF Oversight Office at the VDA QMC selects IATF 16949 audits to monitor compliance with the IATF requirements by our witness auditors. We have an international team of qualified IATF 16949 witness auditors available for this purpose, consisting of experienced senior experts of the automotive industry with years of experience in the implementation and certification of quality management systems.

IATF witness audits are an important instrument to:

  • monitor the IATF-recognized Certification Bodies and their auditors for compliance with the requirements of the IATF 16949 certification scheme;
  • assess the effectiveness of the global IATF 16949 certification activities, and
  • improve the IATF 16949 certification scheme continuously.

All witness auditors commit to adhere to a code of conduct that demands not to intervene in the certification audit being monitored and to follow the core principles of impartiality, objectivity, integrity, competence, confidentiality, accuracy, and transparency.

Gert Bumcke
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Hanover, Germany
Jianhe (Sam) Chen
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Beijing, China
Dongqiang (William) Cui
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Beijing, China
Gabriele Feder
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Munich, Germany
Min (Marian) Hu
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Beijing, China
In-Ho Hwang
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Seoul, Korea
Xiaohui (Chris) Jiao
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Beijing, China
Daesung Joo
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Seoul, Korea
Shaji Krishnan
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Singapore
Pedro Margenat
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Barcelona, Spain
Manfred Müller
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Berlin, Germany
Robert Mycroft
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Warsaw, Poland
Ernst Pollak
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Dusseldorf, Germany
Amanda Ross
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Birmingham, England
Christian Sluyterman van Langeweyde
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Stuttgart, Germany
Weidong (Webster) Zhang
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Shanghai, China
Haolin (Leo) Zheng
IATF Witness Auditor
  • Chengdu, China
Seek Webshop info@vda-qmc.de