The IATF Stakeholder Communiqués serve the IATF in communicating to all the stakeholders important information on IATF and the certification scheme of the IATF.
In order to be immediately informed about the news of IATF for all stakeholders, we recommend you to register on the IATF website ( (under: Subscribe to our mailing list). After an appropriate registration, you will automatically get an email with a link to the relevant update when any new information is published.
In the following list, you will find only those IATF Stakeholder Communiqués, which are currently valid. Therefore, for example, announcements of Sanctioned Interpretations (SIs) or FAQs published in the past or Stakeholder Communiqués with other information that is no longer relevant by now, will no longer be listed below. The complete listing of all IATF Stakeholder Communiqués including all formerly relevant Stakeholder Communiqués can be found on the IATF website.