IATF 16949 certificates globally

The number of IATF 16949 certified locations shown below include all 93,713 issued IATF 16949 certificates worldwide valid at the referenced date.

The valid certificates include all the IATF 16949 certificates issued by the IATF-recognized certification bodies, which have the status of either “issued” or “suspended”. You can check the individual validity of an IATF 16949 certificate in the so-called “IATF Certificate Validity Check” or the “IATF Customer Portal”:  IATF Customer Portal

NOTE: In accordance with the IATF Rules, also a suspended IATF 16949 certificate is a certificate that is still valid.

Please click on the respective country of the interactive globe to obtain detailed information.

Data as of: 31 December 2023

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